Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Medical Treatments

10 Craziest Medical Treatments of the 20th Century

Things have really changed in medicine since the early 20th century and you should be thankful for that. Some of the remedies doctors prescribed typically did more harm than good (a lot more harm...
Allied Health

4 Examples of Allied Health as a Career Stepping Stone

For those who wish to get into the healthcare industry but do not have the time to pursue four-year or graduate degrees, allied health occupations might be the answer. Allied health encompasses workers in the...
Parenting Books

10 Books Every New or Expecting Parent Should Read

There is no shortage of information and advice available to new or expecting parents, much of it unsolicited. However, the sheer volume of it can be overwhelming, the various suggestions often contradictory, and the...
Integrative Medicine

Careers in Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is an emerging field of healthcare that incorporates a variety of medical philosophies under one umbrella. Physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners and other healthcare professionals who work in integrative medicine are concerned with the...
Art Therapist

How to Become an Art Therapist

An art therapist uses art to help patients discover truths about themselves and the world. The connection between art and wellness has long been understood by therapists in all disciplines. The self-expression and satisfaction that...
The Knick

The Knick: Art & History Combine for Compelling Television

At the turn of the twentieth century, advances in medicine happened at a pace people today might associate with technology. Setting a medical drama period piece in this era is no small task, but it’s...

How To Become An Optometrist

An optometrist specializes in diagnosing and treating medical issues involving the eyes and other parts of a patient’s visual system. Optometry, like many professions in the healthcare industry, is growing and lucrative. According to the...
wive's tales

Fact or Fiction: 10 Healthcare-Related Old Wives’ Tales

We’ve all heard old wives’ tales at some point or another. Whether it was from your mom, your grandmother, your crazy aunt, or someone else, we’ve all heard at least one story. Maybe you’ve even...

WHO’s Essential Meds List: Slowing the Pace of Antibiotic Resistance

The 2017 Essential Medicines List released Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO) includes new drugs for hepatitis C, leukemia, HIV and tuberculosis, among others. The updated list also makes new recommendations for what antibiotics...
Nurse Practitioner

How to Progress from RN to Nurse Practitioner

Working as a registered nurse continues to be one of the most popular professions in the United States, and with good reason. The pay is good, the jobs are plentiful and the challenges rewarding...